Cambodian birder Srun

Sikol (Srun) is our senior guide and office staff. He started his job as a bird guide in 2010 and has guided so many tours around Cambodia for both individual birdwatchers and groups from international birding companies such as Field Guides, AVIFAUNA, Y.BIRD. He has been on work mission and birding trips to various countries like Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Philippine, and England in 2017.

Srun is also active with all CBGA projects especially the Environmental Education Program and community development for ecotourism which he facilitates many pieces of training to communities in cooking, lodging, and guiding skill. All he does to support local people and save wildlife and ecotourism is his best theme to help him fulfill his work.

Nowadays, Srun and his wife (Kunthea) are learning to know more about the butterfly, dragonfly, plant, and orchid to enrich his knowledge of nature and wildlife. Together they often take their two kids (8 & 10) out to the field with the hope to become a birdwatcher family.